As a young man growing up in the 60's I thought that being Liberal was a good thing, and I was eager to learn the ways of Liberalism. That philosophy stayed in my mind for a long time especially during the Bush administration, it was the liberals who thought that they knew better, who were for racial equality, who were anti-war, who marched for peace, who demanded action on global warming, who had Al Gore as our poster boy hero, who were the backbone of the struggling labor movement, and who were the removal of George Bush.
But that was then, and now is now, perhaps I grew up, or perhaps the Liberal movement change to the progressive movement aka Socialist movement. With Barrack Obama in the white house, being liberal now means making excuses for war, is war ok now just because it’s Obama’s war? Am I to remain totally silent regarding the Palestinians hauling missals, and bombs at Israel because of Obama’s vendetta towards Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ignoring my true feelings, and love for Israel? Please try and explain to today’s liberal stand on how Obama’s policy on OPEN borders! Or about allowing over a million illegal children to enter our country and his handling of the Fast and Furious deal, and the drug cartel, ask a liberal to explain that and they’ll stare at you blankly.
Thankfully, I've learned a lot since those foolish days.
What concern liberals is that climate change is a real priority, and that just bugs the hell out of me. . The liberal of today is more concerned with bicycle lanes, and the size of soda drinks that should be allowed at 7-11 stores, but not rising rents in the big cities like here in New York City. And why should they? They already have control of the Governorship, the Mayor, their Senators, and the President. So life’s pretty good with Democrats running the show, as long as you’re a Democrat.
They are consumed with hatred about their alleged enemies in the Republican party and the Tea Party, and everyone who doesn’t think as they do. Strangely, they are still mad as hell at Sarah Palin and will never let up on her or her family, God oh Mighty she must really be a threat to them. And believe it or not libertarians are today’s liberals. Just like Today’s progressives are yesterdays liberals !!!Please remind us every day that we must defend ourselves from attacks by these anti everything's
Yes, all is fine and well in the land of Liberalism today. While they must be ever vigilant against the inevitable threat of Republicans stripping their nonsensical, meaningless, senseless, illogical, beliefs, and their unforgettable, and unforgivable, hatred of George Bush and “his” wars, liberals are enjoying Obama’s second term, and likely a coming of 8 miserable years of Hillary Clinton as president.
Great post A J.
ReplyDeletePlease don't stop telling it like it is.