Trash Koranimals/Liberals

Trash Koranimals/Liberals

Friday, January 25, 2013

A lot of people in America apparently forgot how good Hillary Clinton is at lying, or as she may put it, "Miss-Speaking"
Her long awaited testimony before the Senate, and the House, was brilliant.  She did her usual job of dodging the questions, lying, shifting the blame and playing the victim.  Of course, what would we expect?  By now she have become  a pro at this.  This time she even added that ridiculous out blast at the Senator who was doing the questioning.

The facts are so clear it just boggles the mind why we can’t get some journalists in the main stream  media to tell it like it really is.. If they just follow the facts and ask the logical questions that flow from any serious analysis, our administration would have to answer to the people of this nation. The POTUS would be required to answer to the citizens. Keep the pressure on.


  1. Hi! Didn't you love that "best defense is a good offense" policy of hers that you could see throughout the testimonies? it's THEIR fault, not HERS. "What's it MATTER why this happened?"
    And, she knows SO WELL that the public will only hear that stuff because the media loves her. THe Left has it MADE.

    I don't remember what event it was, but Obama was sitting listening to someone talk and the person mentioned Sandy Hook and he looked down..then dried a tear. And then something else came up and he made the appropriate head bow or something..........what an Oscar award winner. I hate thinking this about a president of our country. But I just can't help it.

  2. I wonder if she would have acted that way if there were a Republican President( Romney) elected instead of Obama.
