Trash Koranimals/Liberals

Trash Koranimals/Liberals

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Kenyan's Daddy.

 US immigration files from the 1960s show that Barack Obama Snr was forced to leave Harvard University before completing his PhD, due in part to concerns raised earlier about his “playboy ways” and his financial arrangements. Obama Snr was forced to leave the United States in 1964 even though he had completed much of the work for his PhD, says a Boston Globe story on Friday about the immigration documents. Was disastrous “For Obama, then 28 and widely expected to be a key player back in his native Kenya

Now we are finally starting to get some actual facts. So what really made Obama  release birth certificate?
Was it a coincidence that it was done right before the story of his Father being kicked out of Harvard and out of the United States?  Maybe he was afraid that Trump was going to jump the gun and tell the story first?

This is just starting to become fun folks. I think that even if Trump doesn't run...he’s not going to just go away. Get the pop corn ready, the show is just starting.
Donald  has the "O" by the balls and he’s starting to apply the pressure. .


  1. Trump forced his hand, apparently, but you ask a good question, Why? Why now?

    Maybe it was to ruin Corsi's book debut?

  2. None of the above ... He was afraid Trump might find the real birth certificate in another country.
